Published in Contact Lens

Navigating the Costs of Contact Lenses

This post is sponsored by Johnson & Johnson Vision
2 min read

Here are some tips for navigating the costs of contact lenses including how to educate patients on the differences between dailies and reusable lenses.

Our goal as optometrists is to help our patients see better. We want to find a solution that accomplishes this goal while making the patient happy. Sometimes, the main barrier is the cost.

The costs of contact lenses - are they worth the price?

Upon hearing the initial price of something like daily disposable contact lenses, patients might be concerned. Which is understandable. The sticker prices for daily lenses are generally quite a bit higher than for monthlies.
Watch more on when to recommend two week contact lenses:
The topic of cost can be awkward to discuss. But it’s important to be prepared. An important factor to consider is the quality and overall performance of the lenses. For example, daily lenses might be more expensive more upon first glance, but the benefits may far outweigh the costs.

Do the benefits of daily disposable contact lenses justify the extra cost?

Oftentimes, daily lenses provide such a great experience for the wearer that patients are willing to pay extra. The increased comfort, extended wearing times, and decreased dryness that accompanies these lenses creates a much easier wearing experience.
With dailies, patients love not having to use a multipurpose solution. The cost of restocking on this product adds up over time, and many are glad to forego the extra hassle. Additionally, there are a variety of rebates offered by industry partners—$100 off, $200 off—that really even out the extra costs.
In the long run, daily lenses might cost a little more, but that’s where the many benefits come in.
Watch more on how to communicate the benefit of daily:

Paying more is ultimately worth it

If a patient’s treatment isn’t improving their life, then it’s time to reconsider. Vision is so integral to every aspect of life, so there’s a tradeoff—do they want a little more spending money or do they want to be happy and able to see comfortably?
If you go about your day and think about your lenses, then you’re wearing the wrong ones. Contact lenses should fit seamlessly. The best way to tell if you’re wearing the right lenses is if you can’t feel them. Keep this in mind as you help your patients navigate the costs of contact lenses.
Antonio Chirumbolo, OD
About Antonio Chirumbolo, OD

Antonio Chirumbolo, OD is the Director of Client Services at Eyes On Eyecare. He completed his optometry degree at the SUNY College of Optometry in 2013. Antonio is passionate about digital media, marketing, and advertising and helping colleagues advance their education through impactful content.

Antonio Chirumbolo, OD
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