Characteristics that make a high-quality candidate for residency
Dr. Marinoff: I am looking for students who are motivated and are interested in low vision. Students who are open to feedback, seeking to hone their current clinical skills and clinical thinking, and are open to thinking "outside the box" will be in a good position to get the most out of the program. Students who are proactive, organized, and have good time management skills will be in a better position to do well in any residency program.
I don't require that applicants have completed a low vision externship.
Dr. Chu: Compassion, passion, empathy, flexibility, an open mind, patience, and a joyful heart. Also, the ability to being an excellent team player.
Dr. Malkin: High quality candidates are those candidates who are motivated to learn and see patients in a variety of settings. An ideal resident will be flexible and adaptable, because we see patients ranging from a few months old through centenarians. We look for residents who are good team players and who are committed to the mission of the program.
Advantages and clinical expertise that residents will take away
Dr. Marinoff: One big strength of the program is that the resident will be exposed to a diversity of eye conditions and diversity of patient ages. In some low vision residency programs, the resident only sees elderly patients who have AMD, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy, but in the SUNY LVR residency program the resident also sees a range of congenital conditions, and sees kids, teens, young adults and elderly patients.
A second big strength is that the resident rotates through the primary care, ocular disease, contact lens, and the acquired brain injury clinics, which means the resident becomes a well-rounded clinician with a specialty focus.
Low vision is an optometric specialty which can be added to any optometric practice setting. The number of low vision patients are expected to double by 2050 and there is a need for more low vision providers.
Dr. Chu:
- Expert patient communication skills, both verbal and written, which translates to and supports any area of optometry
- Diverse and extensive exposure in ocular, systemic, neurological diseases
- One-on-one mentorship with prestigious leaders in low vision optometry—such as the esteemed Ian Bailey, OD, MS, FBCO, FAAO.
- Solid ophthalmic and low vision optics training with experience in hands free devices (high adds, prism readers, microscopics), handheld magnifiers, stand magnifiers, telescopes, video magnification, wearable technology, etc.
- Understanding of low vision testing, prescribing and theory (including alternative visual acuity testing), magnification, field of view, contrast sensitivity, peripheral field testing (including Goldmann Perimetry and Octopus), central field testing, low luminance testing, etc.
- Fitting of specialty contact lenses, including glare reduction lenses for achromatopsia and cone dystrophy
- Diverse exposure to rehabilitative resources, including auditory and tactile access to information (OCR technology, apps, scanning devices, low vision / blind software and hardware)
- Experience in genetic testing for inherited orphan retinal dystrophies
- Integrated rehabilitative care with teachers of students with visual impairment, orientation and mobility instructors and rehabilitation teachers
- Training in billing/coding
- Unique experience in diabetic retinopathy telemedicine consultation
- Building ability to triage on-call patients under supervision of mentors
Dr. Malkin: NECO Vision Rehabilitation residency is unique in that it combines highly specialized patient care experiences with a strong research training component. Our residents develop the skills necessary to work with individuals with disabilities as well as people with vision impairment of all ages.
In addition, our residents gain valuable experience in vision therapy and traumatic brain injury clinics. Our residency graduates are prepared to see a diverse patient population and to advocate for those who need additional support in their educational, vocational, or independent living journey.
A typical “day in the life” of a low vision rehabilitation resident
Dr. Marinoff: A typical day is spent in the clinic! The resident provides direct patient care in the first half of the year and supervises interns in the clinic during the second half of the year. The resident also serves as a teaching assistant in the low vision laboratory portion of the third year course. The program includes rotating on-call responsibility, which at this time is limited to phone triage.
In addition to the clinical curriculum, there is also a didactic curriculum. The resident takes part in program-specific low vision seminars and discussion of journal articles as well as the "Friday program," which includes lectures and labs for all SUNY in-house and affiliated residencies. Additionally, all SUNY residents get professional development experiences. The residents gain public speaking experience, giving a 20 minute minor presentation to an internal audience and a 50 minute COPE-approved major presentation, which is open to local ODs as a CE program.
There is also the opportunity to present at in-house Grand Rounds. All SUNY residents get experience with scientific writing. The resident writes a publishable quality paper, which is reviewed by a mock editorial board; this puts the resident in a good position to continue to contribute to the optometric literature. All of these combined experiences help the resident to develop expertise in a number of areas.
Dr. Chu:
Weekly schedule
- Mondays: Community Health / Ocular Disease / Visual Functions (Diagnostic clinic : ERGs, EOGs, etc)
- Tuesdays: Low vision @ UC Berkeley
- Wednesdays: Low vision @ California School for the Blind
- Thursdays: AM-UCSF Ophthalmology Grand Rounds / Journal Club / Complex procedure training, PM - Low vision @ UC Berkeley
- Fridays: Low vision @ San Francisco LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Typical hours 8:30am - 5:30pm
Patient care
- Ages: 4yo - 106yo (+)
- Diverse socioeconomic and racial backgrounds
- Diverse low vision conditions, including macular degeneration, glaucoma, inherited orphan retinal dystrophies (Stargardts, retinitis pigmentosa, etc), cone dystrophy, achromatopsia, aniridia, albinism, trauma, cerebral visual impairment, diabetic retinopathy, etc.
- > 1,000 low vision, community health patients / year
Residency requirements and opportunities
- On call ~6-7 weeks a year
- 3x CE quality lectures
- Journal club
- Diabetic eye telemedicine
- Clinical research paper
- Traveling CA School for the Blind low vision clinics (Far northern, central and southern CA)
- Public health lectures @ community venues (nonprofits, senior centers, etc)
- Posters/papers @ conferences (SECO, AAO, AOA)
- Creation and participation in vision screenings
- Endorsement from mentors on their expertise
Dr. Malkin: There is no "typical" day for our vision rehabilitation resident, but our resident gets the chance to work in school-based clinics, hospital-based clinics, and group optometry clinics. Our resident participates in the didactic education of third year students as a lab instructor and our resident regularly attends journal clubs. The vision rehabilitation resident has limited on-call responsibilities and has plenty of time to hone their teaching skills through paid tutoring jobs and pre-clinic monitoring.
Biggest challenges a resident may face
Dr. Marinoff: Providing care to low vision patients is very rewarding but can be challenging. Our patients face life challenges and their vision impairment is layered on top of those. The resident may need to learn to break bad news, like telling a patient they are legally blind or no longer eligible to drive. The resident will also need to learn about the different agencies that provide services to the visually impaired.
Another challenge can be acclimating to a new environment. New York City can feel intimidating to someone who is used to a smaller city or town, but is full of fun things to do and great restaurants to explore. Coming to a new school and clinic means the resident would need to learn their way around.
Dr. Chu:
- Physically on campus 1-2 days/week (returning phone calls/etc)
- Empathetic to self with patient care
- Ultimate highs and lows of optometry
- Acclimating to the four different clinics
Dr. Malkin: The biggest challenge is likely the number of clinics where our resident is assigned to see patients. This requires flexibility and adaptability on the part of the resident, and we ensure that we provide the necessary support to make this process as smooth as possible.
Practice settings and modalities suited for low vision rehabilitation residents
Dr. Marinoff: I am very proud of all my residents! The residents have had interest in a wide range of settings, and no one type of setting is the most common. Past residents have pursued careers in academia, private practice, hospitals, and nonprofit organizations.
Dr. Chu: Private practice (90% former residents), hospital setting optometry, academia clinical / didactic teaching, biotechnology/medical devices industry, PhD in vision science, nonprofit low vision clinics.
Dr. Malkin: Graduates of our residency program are well suited to practice in an OD/MD setting, private practice, or academia/hospital-based care. We work with the resident to ensure that our program will meet their ultimate career goals.