Published in Non-Clinical

Follow a Young Optometrist in Her First Cold Start

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2 min read

Follow Vaugn Schneider, OD, on her journey to open her first optometry practice as a cold start in this brand-new vlog series.

If you have a goal to open your own optometry practice, you aren’t alone. What better way to design your ideal future than to have full control over each decision, from what community you choose to serve to which brands you decide to stock? And yet being in charge of every business decision can also be a reason not to open a practice cold. And when you factor in exorbitant student debt, a lack of experience, and the possibility of failure, the very idea of following a dream this big can leave many new optometrists wanting to hide under the covers instead.
Vaugn Schneider, OD had all of these doubts—and more—when she decided to open her own practice as a cold start. Follow her journey in her brand-new vlog series, where she authentically shares both her wins and her false starts; her business strategies and her biggest fears. You’ll also learn about her partnership with iCare Advisors and how their commitment to Vaugn as a client gave her the courage to persevere through some pretty major disappointments. If you have even a small bit of curiosity about whether a cold start is possible then you won’t want to miss an episode of Vaugn’s adventure in Opening An Optometry Practice Cold. “I’ve never done this before,” Vaugn says. “I’m nervous and excited and just have this insanely blind faith that everything’s going to turn out just fine.”
Vaugn Schneider, OD
About Vaugn Schneider, OD

Dr. Schneider's integrative approach to medicine stems from her belief that the best care for a patient means health care professionals working together to treat the whole being. She works closely with pharmacists and nutritionists to discuss medication and nutrition options for everyday well being and makes referrals to chiropractors, pediatricians, message therapists, and numerous other specialties, based on your exact needs. Dr. Schneider is a certified Paragagon CRT contact lens provider, registered InfantSee provider, and member of the American Optometric Association and Wisconsin Optometric Association.

Vaugn Schneider, OD
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