Disclosure: Please be aware that there may be contraindications to the use of recommended supplies on a case by case basis.
Acute Angle Closure Attack
- Drops That Decrease Aqueous Production: A number of medications with this mechanism of action are listed in Dr. Fulmer’s Glaucoma Medication Guide. It is wise to keep on hand beta blockers and alpha-adrenergic agonists to assist in this process.
- Fast Acting 500mg Acetazolomide Tablets: These provide an extremely effective way to rapidly decrease IOP.
- Topical Steroids: The typical inflammatory process that occurs in these attacks needs to be adequately managed to prevent further damage. For your reference, please see Dr. Fulmer’s Topical Steroids and NSAIDs Medication Guide.
- Pilocarpine: This miotic agent can be helpful in decreasing IOP by opening up the angle.
Other Items To Consider
- Oral Osmotic Agents: Most commonly used as a last resort, these agents decrease IOP by reducing vitreous volume.
- Reclinable Exam Chair: Fresh out of school, you may think all exam chairs recline. Unfortunately, this is not always the case! Placing your patient in the supine position may help reduce IOP by pulling the lens away from the iris while also improving their comfort.
- YAG Laser: Only for those ODs who are fortunate enough to practice in a state that allows them to perform a laser peripheral iridotomy!
Anaphylactic Shock
Hypoglycemic Shock/Low Blood Sugar
Heart Attack
Corneal Pathology (Infections, Injuries, Foreign Bodies)
- pH Strips: Anytime a patient presents with an acute chemical burn, it’s important to determine the causative agent and get their pH back between 7.0 and 7.2.
- Saline Solution: For copious irrigation of the ocular surface during a chemical burn.
- Bandage Contact Lens: To promote patient comfort and proper healing of larger corneal abrasions. Personally, I recommend using a high Dk, continuous (or extended) w ear lens.
- Foreign Body Kit: While a cotton tip applicator may be functional for many superficial foreign bodies, a golf club spud is much more effective for removing embedded foreign bodies. Also, an algerbrush is ideal for removing corneal rust rings.
- Cycloplegic Agents: Provides patient comfort by relaxing accommodative function while also managing inflammation. I find Cyclopentolate is very effective in most cases. Although not mentioned as an emergency in this article, patients with acute anterior uveitis may also benefit from the use of cycloplegics in office!
- Topical Antibiotics: Anytime the cornea is compromised, it’s important to prevent a bacterial infection! If you have on hand Polytrim (children <2 months) and a 4th generation fluoroquinolone, you should be more than covered.
- Topical Steroids: Previously mentioned, I find it advantageous to have topical steroids with varying levels of strength (soft vs. strong) in your office for use on a case by case basis.