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Road to the NPTE

by Mark Denesha, PT, DPT

7 years ago I set out on a journey.

July 22, 2015 will mark the culmination of the hard work, dedication, and sacrifice as I sit to take the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE). For those of you that will be seated alongside me, and those that will sit in the future, don’t look at this as an obstacle. Change your perspective. Approach the NPTE knowing that each day, hour, and minute spent scrutinizing the fine details of our chosen field, Physical Therapy, will only make you better than you were the previous day. The journey does not end with the NPTE… it begins.

“Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you.”
- George Whitefield

Want the Ultimate Guide to the NPTE? Download it here!

Who am I?

My name is Mark Denesha. I’m a 3rd year DPT student at SUNY Downstate in Brooklyn and I like longs walks on the beach… but not in flip-flops (research says so: adverse changes in peak GRF and ankle/knee kinematics1).

Road to the NPTE

I’m going to chronicle my journey to the NPTE. Admittedly, the last thing I need is another distraction, but I’ve found that having a full schedule forces me to leverage my time. Oddly enough, when I have an abundance of free time, nothing is accomplished. Altruistic intent aside, I view this project as a win-win.

  • I’m forced to hash out a strategy, a plan of attack, if you will. I tend to be more of a “fly by the seat of my pants” kind of guy.
  • Daily & weekly reflection of materials will be required to successfully convey, to you, what I found easy/difficult.
  • This will be a resource for future students.
  • “Pressure makes diamonds”? Added pressure - Success is the only option.

Remember, we’re all in this together and we have 79 days until we crush the exam. I urge you to follow, ask questions, and provide tips.

*High fives and fist bumps all around!

Check out the other articles in the NPTE series

How to Register for the NPTE in All 50 States

Registration: Applications and Forms - New York 

4 Study Tips for the NPTE

PEAT and Which Study Guides to Use

The Big Day - Lessons Learned from Taking the NPTE


  1. Zhang, Xiuli, Max R. Paquette, and Songning Zhang. "A Comparison of Gait Biomechanics of Flip-flops, Sandals, Barefoot and Shoes." Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 6.1 (2013): 45. Web.


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